In the early 2010's, Capcom released improved-modernized versions of many of its legendary fighters, including the Marvel vs Capcom fighters. Let's put into perspective the timeline of Capcom's pursuits with their classic re-releases. Marvel vs Capcom 2's limbo is only one tragedy in the disastrous shipwreck of Capcom's classic re-releases The issue isn't that there aren't modern versions of Marvel vs Capcom, but that their distribution is horribly flawed. The problem, however, is that Marvel vs Capcom 2 is just one of many victims of Capcom's terrible decision-making when it comes to preservation of their classics across platforms.
Will need to talk to Disney and Capcom to make it real. (16x9, etc) I love the outpouring- We’d swap in GGPO and do documentary and museum work, etc. We made what I think was the last MVC2 release on console when we were known as Backbone.